Saturday, October 17, 2009

Seestorly Love

I am off to spend some time with my sister, Mo.

Her husband, Ken is in San Diego working the BYU football game, and my man, Matt is off on a fishing trip. This is how excited Matt is about his fishing trip with our friend, Josh: "Aside from marrying you, I am the most excited about going on this fishing trip this weekend." THIRD MOST EXCITING THING OF HIS LIFE! Needless to say, this boy really really really loves fishing. And I really really really love him so I patted his little bum and said go have a good time, I will go hold my little boy Charlie and have some art time with Mo! What a great way to spend a day.
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Jeannette said...

My parents would freak out if they read a post like this if I wrote it. Balla.

Also, MATT. I can hear him saying that sentence and it's awesome.

Also also, Charlie : )

brittna said...

freaking cute baybay


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