Monday, March 16, 2009

The Great Divide

Have you ever wondered why The Gap has its name? I heard that it's because they were a company that tried to bridge the gap between two generations. Forget about generations, I need something that spans that great divide between me and people in my life, but not IN it. People I have to see all the time and feel no connection to whatsoEVER. How do you do that? How do you reconcile your differences with someone who has no desire to even take the time to find out what those differences truly are? And how do you keep them from judging the differences they think they see but they're completely wrong about? I'm so tired of trying to please people by being polite, politically correct, and cordial.

I'm having one of those days where I just want to walk around and not talk to anyone, shirk all my duties, and lay in the grass in the middle of nowhere by myself. But alas, I am in the no-shh zone in the library, surrounded by people who have no idea who I am, one creepy dude is staring at me, listening to Pandora (lullabies), and stuck between a rock and a hard place.

On the bright side, I am using my sketchbook as art therapy for myself. I carry it around with me all the time, even when I know I won't have time to put anything new in it. At institute the teacher thought I was drawing in my Bible. It was pretty funny. I should have let him think his thoughts...and not corrected him.

I am grateful for people in my life whom I can be 100% myself around. Screw etiquette, manners, pleasing, and the majority. I feel extremely emo and teenagery today and I think it's because of my all-black outfit. Maybe I should change...
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yadikiswoyo said...
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Ruth said...

Totally understand! Ypu should post some sketches BTW.

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