Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vacation Kellie

What are you doing for Christmas? Matt and I are on our way to California for Rowland Christmas. Another road trip! You have no idea how bad my holiday senioritis is this year. The excitement of Christmas is around, but the dark days have been making me feel sluggish and weird. I've been counting down the days until our sunny CA vacation. Yesterday after my last day of school, I came home, took a hot bath, and was deep in the throes of a serious Parenthood catchup session when Matt finally got home from work. I was so excited to see him and finally be on vacation that I think I may have tried to make him wrestle me while he was trying to pack. Vacation Kellie has arrived! It's time to mess up my sleeping schedule with late-night movies, rile up the young nephews and do nothing at all but be with family.

As we speak we are driving through St. George, the homeland of our love story. Oh how glad I am to be on my
way out of here. There are few things that perk me up more than a good vacation in a warm climate. Winter Blues are serious, y'all.

Happy and safe travels, my friends!
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