Friday, May 15, 2009

May 13th: Looking Up

CLARK. So legit...
The view of the Duomo from some building we went to today.
The view from our plein air painting class at the Boboli Gardens at the Pitti Palace.

Until about 5 o'clock tonight, things were same-old same-old in the sick/morale department. I was grumpy all day, besides my better judgment. Went to plein air class, went to the Pitti Palace museum, and typography at Eric's. I was in a low mood all day and couldn't do anything about it. After class I hung around Eric's to call my Dad. He always knows what to do in predicaments. Since I have had this sickness before (my senior year of high school, but that time it lasted six months while they tried to diagnose me), I already knew what medicine I needed. He let me cry, calmed me down, and told me to go see a doctor. I found one online through BYU's Study Abroad health insurance, which is amazing by the way. He was relatively close (within walking distance), English (it was nice to actually understand him), he stayed open late so I could come see him. He explained everything to me, pointed out the hospital on the map in case I had any emergencies, and took me downstairs personally to get my medicine from the pharmacy. Oh, and my insurance paid for the visit. I was honestly so relieved at that point. Everything seems to be looking up now. It's funny how one thing can change your outlook. Breathing is kind of a big deal, and when my lungs aren't at 100%, everything seems to go wrong. Walking is hard. Sleeping is even harder. I left the pharmacy optimistic, got a little lost, but found a store that sold me a converter for four euros (instead of the 20 euros I would have had to pay at the only other store I found here). That in and of itself is a blessing, because I have had to rely on my roommate Lisa's converter to charge my things. Between us we probably have about seven things we need to charge. You get my point. Another problem checked off the list. Now all I have to do is find a way to get some cash!

One thing I am grateful for because of this experience: The comfort that comes through relying on my Savior. The two nights I was up every hour, and the three days before that when I was sick, I prayed almost constantly that I would get better, that things would work out, and that I would learn a lesson from this experience. I put all my faith in knowing that I would be healed. I'm on my way there, and I know that it's because God has expedited my recovery. I am also grateful that I came on this trip with BYU. With a little searching, I was able to have two boys from my group come and give me a blessing. What a comfort that was. I truly appreciate the Priesthood.

I'm sorry this is all I blog about lately, but it has been consuming me. Little problems turn big when you can't quickly solve them because you're abroad. However, after talking to my dad, Matt, and Wistie (and almost Jeannette...left a message), my spirits are lifted. Maybe I'll be able to sleep more than four hours tonight. In fact, I'm going to bed right now. And it's only 8:18! It's a miracle...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sorry that you are going through this again!

I hope you are taking your Advair everyday. Italy looks amazing...and I'm glad you are feeling better so that you can start to enjoy it.

I am anxious to hear your voice again. Love you lots. Mom!

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