Thursday, April 9, 2009

"If you want to get famous in America, beat up a stripper."

Ok, so everyone makes fun of the Sham-WOW guy, right? Well, now we have even more reason to do so:

He, who is apparently named Joe Schlomo (I forget the first name, but that is definitely his real last name), got arrested for hitting a stripper because she was biting his tongue and wouldn't let go.

Um, is this guy for reals? Apparently, the saying that "all press is good press" is true, because Sham-WOW commercials are even more rampant than they were before the incident. Good job, Sham-WOW guy, for being American, and getting famous for doing absolutely NOTHING constructive! YAY AMERICAAAAAA!!!!

(Oh, and also good job for having an awesome last name...)

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