Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Who knew sitting on a cup could be so painful?"

When Wistie and I are bored, we tend to revert back to the same thing: we rassle. It's always a gamble who's going to win at any given moment. My strength is in my legs, hers is in her arms. The fact that she grew up an older sister and I a younger sister shapes the way we fight. I start to whine when things hurt and she starts saying things like "Bring it, Rowland!" and "Look at me! I'mma spit in your eye!" She really is quite the bully. My only saving grace tonight was a simple thing: I threw her back and she sat on a cup. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a cup. Still counts!
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wistie said...

my strength are not in my arms! they are in my legs, i just can hold you down with my arms... so there! that cup was evil and really painful, a bruise will come, i'm sure

Naazju said...

Random moment: I clicked on "wistie" to see if I recognized the person at all and was directed to the "Blogs I Follow" link and found that the only one they were signed up for was Stephen F., who YOU also know. How? :D

Kellie said...

We all met at Jacob Lake this summer. Do you know Stephen? I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation about Stevie and I'm also pretty sure that you DO know him. He's one of my best friends :)

Did you recognize Wis?

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure i have bruise today... arch shaped. hold on, let me go check... yep.

Kellie said...

did you REALLY check?

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